Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Shit uhm
Hard one

Okay so this is a kinda? Long answer? Maybe?

good rule of thumb is that if you’ve had an unwavering townread on italy socially for extended periods of time
you’re probably fucking wrong

im fine with that

why do i believe you actually thought/“said” that as you wrote

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Tbh I don’t think I’m that hard to read if you know me

Also Kyo how much gold are you sitting at currently? I mean liquid.

Hot take

WoW thread

Without including items? 37841g right now but I’ve made 8000 in the past 2 days

like if you have a mechanical reason to read italy or have those moments where you go “oh shit is italy actually wolf?” you MIGHT be wrong but it’s basically the everyday 50/50 because italy is somehow just as likely to roll wolf as town
but if you just have a total unwavering read on italy you’re almost always wrong

Oh. Well that’s lower but this is a good starting capital. Your server has a lot of cheap Zin but I wouldn’t massbuy since I don’t know your economy, however:

Greater currents are at a fine price. If you get Prosperity I’d 100% recommend crafting it. Potions are wack though, its really not worth it. I’m surprised Focused Resolve is so cheap? But yeah, don’t try to do market resets until you have at least 200k backup gold.

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Also help I’m in bed and can’t stop coughing

Flasks according to TSM (with my Silas modifier *ing everything by 1.7) are apparently a loss

Also your Anchor Weed prices are about average. If you have weird sleeping schedule (I doubt), or in general have time – go out in the world and herb. Tiragarde route is still good. Drustvar is also fine.

Do you factor in your own herbs or herbs that are on AH? Because manual herbing still brings profit, even if its shown at a ‘loss’.

Okay so, i did a LOT of theatre growing up. I was a shakespeare/musical kid, so i loved acting

And (here comes the really embarassing part) I used to do RP on a huuuuge Minecraft server called Lord of the Craft - it was Lord of the Rings based RP (it was fun but yes, judge me) - and we had “minigame” weekends where it was basically a game of Mafia, but like, with LoTR flavor

And i found myself playing a lot of games that were based around lying and acting and shit, like I played lots of Trouble in Terrorist Town (competitively yes im a nerd leave me alone) and Town of Salem.

About about 2 years(?) ago I stumbled upon Throne of Lies on youtube, but never bought the game because I was so busy and didnt want a time-sink

A year ago i won the game in a giveaway and uh, ive been in love ever since

Also kat bullied me into joining the forums. I was REALLY scared to because they intimidated me

So yea
Now im here

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This is a lot to write on mobile without spelling errors

Herbs that are on AH
If you think I could be bothered with farming you’re dead wrong

I brought this plague upon the forums

Sorry guys

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I don’t have Sky Golem nor BfA flying
I cba with farming

I enjoy it myself because its just mindless grinding which is relaxing.
Oh also, small tip. Get two different sets of gloves and enchant them. One with Zandalari Herbalism, others with Crafting. It saves a lot of time.