Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Hes never going to notice that i said this

Ily ans <3

you know
i’m pretty sure that this is the most i’ve ever actually worked with kat

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I meme on Anstreim so much that my phone recognizes his name for autocorrect

Same with most people here actually


I know how to calculate profit with Silas procs ect and what will make money
The only thing I lack rn is how to defeat competition

On TN, Zin prices have been really volatile. We’ve had them at 70g per 1 one day, then 40g per 1 for like half a month, now they are back to ~20-ish? I’m waiting for the ultimate drop to 17g (like it was before) so I can craft some potions.
At least Inscription doesn’t really require milling Zin.

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Kat italy scumteam when?

scumteam dissonance


Oh fuck please no

Trust me, I read everything you write. I just don’t bother to answer.



Undercut already by same person
(Yes I know I accidentally put 48h)

I think this is how she views me

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Oh thats

… understandable

But damn

Don’t list them in humongous stacks of 500. Create an operation to list them as stacks of 40.
Honestly, AH PvP is fun because its a competition of stubbornness/endurance. If you have good operations it becomes a joke.

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kat/italy scumteam aka
“where the fuck are the wolves i don’t see any deepwolves but we’re almost down to just our nullreads”


nullread gang

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I’d spot kat out easy

everybody says I’m hard to read but I’m rarely actually nullread after the first few days

And even then

but you’d be dead

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chloe question question!! bounces
how did you get into fm
and social deduction games in general

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katze bullied her