Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I have no memory of that

i’m going to assume it was fun like you said


can you stream ToL through disc?

Also it’s not like Kat would ever agree to this.

It just seems hard to me.
I’m too aggressive in my stealth.

its like a push the button game

if you push the button you will always be starting Cult Leader but your second cultist will always be uncooperative and useless

why would you want to watch me thats lewd :flushed:

ive streamed ToL for people before but knowing you’ll be judging me might make it less enticing

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if u need the joke explained

chekhov’s gun is a writers term where you basically need payoff if you set something up like you don’t mention a gun unless it gets used or smth

I remember winning as reaper when someone named themselves “sorc got small tiddi” and in retaliation I named myself “reaper got big tiddi”

maybe not that mature but it was cool

yes, I’ve done it before

also ans aren’t you CultLeader on ToL?

I am not kat but I would be willing to consider streaming for you sometime :eyes::eyes::eyes:

you could see me make terrible plays and struggle to keep up with claims, only winning because multiple evils messed up their fakeclaims!

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I’d probably still push it, because second scum being useless is… manageable? But it would already weaken my faction which is less than ideal.
I feel like it would end up in hardbussing every game.
Also “policy lynch Anstreim he’s the CL :^)”

Maybe that’s the sole reason :^)

Who said that I will be judging you, nerd.

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imagine streaming games to people on discord lol

who does that

what are we doing with our lives

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You mean just like I make terrible plays in every single game of ToL I play? You’ve played with me and witnessed it yourself.

I am indeed.


“why is this nerd claiming chronomancer as mystic”

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Psh, that’s not even bad.

ok i think i’ve played with you before a few times

though I remember most of it being at like 2 am

Accurate lmao.
2017 though, right? Those were the times.

most fullscreen games don’t go well with discord streaming
I think if there’s a windowed option it would work

“why is this nerd claiming 3rd knight as prince and letting a chrono claim prince”