Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Of course
interesting maneuver

Should I have gone with Geyde-kun or Geyde-san?


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the stuff on top is ‘not real’ when I’m trying to tell if people are being serious or not usually

Imagine Arete saying to Anstreim: I’m going to ban you!

I wasn’t really serious either to be honest.

“get jettisoned looser”


how does that become hot

i can think of a way but im not marshal

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fair enough

But if you actually ever have any advice that you feel like sharing – please tell me.

ever just feel mildly bored and not be completely sure how to get past it

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considering you probably know basics by this point
all I can really say would be reactive based off already existing games

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I barely have 1.5 so I guess it would be a bit too early to ask for much.

how to improve your play: play

haha reference italy here for free updoots gamer 100

throw or drop (something) from an aircraft or ship.

Drop something from a ship

jettisoning is officially dropping out from a ship. Now this can be either because they have graduated to being more than a ship, or do not like the shit alltogether. If it’s the first, it not only is hot, but romantic, as the person is saying that they should drop the whole idea of it being a “ship” and have it be much more serious.

Looser is a metaphor, as they are only losing the title of “ship” and graduating to something more serious.

That sentance showcases flirtatious shipping evolving into a deeper connection, and if that is not hot, then you, mister, are wrong.

i didn’t even mean it in that sense

i mean literally signup for more FM games

i don’t see anstreim signing up for games and slanking due to getting wolf all the time tho


Just pair Ans with me as group scum and we win :sunglasses: .

Flashbacks to 61.5 where I spent 3 literal hours not logging in because I didn’t want to interact with the thread.

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So that sentance is basically telling someone that you want to get more serious, and are getting more serious. It’s not a choice, it’s what’s right. You know each other that well.