Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

they could’ve just rerolled but didn’t

frostwolf wanted to watch you suffer

there wasn’t compensation unless you consider “revive the scum who flipped and is known to be scum” compensation

also we won that game


What even is reasonable compensation there

Ascended Town

this game is why italy has no WiM to play wolf


the night after that our kp (who had the OP bonus, a random chance for one player to have that allowed them to refill people’s ability charges) got vigged
astand proceeded to hardcarry us


I mean what

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also it was a multiball game and the cult got completely stomped

Sounds like F U N

its like music to my ears

Cult can’t win unless you’re HoB III Cult

Shinobu ni

Kat your sister is a weeb

Aya yo?

weebs out

Hito moji ooi wa


looks yummy

email me one

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