[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Rip, no rolecards then.

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So one NSF somehow died?

Honour Derps, Who gave his life
(Unless Stalker means Mafia Spy or something)

So,what does a stalker do?


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When sleepyhead makes modmistakes :confused:


I got names and aligments mixed up when I am not looking

Italy is still alive and DatBird died, he’s UNATCO Trooper

I am sorry for ruining the motivation to some people, maybe next time I get co-host which I intend to do that in my next game I host.

hint hint It’s Star Wars

So,I would like to invite reader to explain(read) this situation.

Any volunteers?

The Bomb has been planted!

Wait you wha-

Uhh…should we vote Italy then…?

I feel really bad for this if Italy has actually just been mod-revealed by a mistake.

oh wait,then rip Italy…

so it just make this much more clear,either NSF have one DI to prevent death by who attacked him.

or there is someone who in NSF can empower…

Either way,If this is a mistake,doing

/vote Italy…

i don’t thin italy is mafia

For those people who are saying i didn’t count heal in.Here,i just remebered so please do not say bad read on me :stuck_out_tongue:

frost wold would noticed that and rerolled the game it mustve been a ability

that’s a HUGE mod error

there is also this,What does it mean?

Probably NK

Wait no it’s the bomber from Dues ex 2 I think