Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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I have an MU account but I never used it

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Rock n’ Roll?

“What’s the first thing you want to do when you get out of prison, arete?”

Is the context

ah yes

arete is definitely going to prison for committing many crimes

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I really come back from looking through cursed pins for this

many many crimes, in fact

it comes
day by day

Simon said that no one would be able to guess his choir’s theme

so I was guessing themes that would normally be improbable

wow arete i cant believe you’re a criminal

ill pay for your bail though

Smh Arete how could you do this

Btw can you answer this question


actually you know what don’t ask

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I’m rolling around my bed right now. The reason I am is because I didn’t take my meds this morning…because I forgot…and now I’m in a weird mental state where I’m constantly laughing at everything, while also being exhausted…while also having a ton of energy


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get hyped fk

why should I be hyped rather then rolling around on my bed?

Get hyped for sleep


Indeed I cannot wait to sleep

Until then I get to suffer in this weird state

i want french fries

do you have French fries?