Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


i’ve tried several times and they never really had an effect on me


Why would you use meds for a non medical problem? Isn’t that bad for your body?

id argue that “not being able to fall asleep for an hour~ most nights” is probably a medical problem

also this is kind of what melatonin is for

It probably is not. Most sleeping problems can be solved through other means than meds. Suggesting to take meds without consulting a doctor first seems extremely dangerous.


it’s not a prescription medication, it’s available over-the-counter

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it be scary

It is prescription only over here.

I just throw a bunch of thumbtacks on my bed and pass out from blood loss

very easy way to get to sleep quick


Not saying medicines don’t have their place, though concerning sleep. Wouldn’t it make sense to make some changes such as turning off electronic devices earlier before preparing for bed time than resort to medication 1st?

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I know a lot of people who suffer from insomnia and that’s usually not the root of the issue

that’s like telling someone with a huge cut on their arm to use a bandaid

For people who just stay up too late that works but when it’s a medical problem that’s not really something that actually does much


like for people who stay up late not because they can’t sleep but because they are distracted doing something else like FM that’s the solution

but “turn off electrical devices” is not really helpful advice someone who has a medical condition and I support melatonin being used to help people sleep.



basically my entire life, things have been like this unfortunately
without meds, it’s not physically impossible for me to fall asleep naturally no matter what I do
unless i’ve been up for more than 60 hours straight or something and the body just collapses

Like i took a full dosage of melatonin 6 hours ago yet it’s still impossible for me to fall asleep b/c im not on an all nighter rn.

Melatonin is actually seen as dangerous over here, that’s why it is prescription only, like most meds are.
I had problems to sleep as child, but that was simply cuz of stress of the school. I’d never have thought about using meds against that.

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anxiety can absolutely be a cause for insomnia

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Even my own meds often dont do the job when im not on an all nighter already when taking them

Perhaps i should ask for an Eszopiclone perscription


I’ve done enough farmwork to think you guys’re dumb :slight_smile:

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this is what every psychiatrist claims it is to me (which is infuriating)
But even when i’ve had no anxiety at all, i’ve never, ever been able to fall asleep naturally
i should see a sleep specialist

Part of that is probably because it smells like you

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yeah that is like… something you should do as soon as possible

you obviously have serious issues with sleeping so like please do that