Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

they same colors

Yea in Germany its enough to have curtains to keep the direct sun out
And cool down by opening the windows at night

that made me sad

It’s the same reason you can get nasty sunburns on cloudy days, especially if you’re at a beach - the clouds also reflect the light back down

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That’s because you people care more about the environment

do you not get utterly assaulted by bugs?

Having thick walls and isolations is also pretty important, both for cold and heat

Bugs are literally the reason I keep my windows closed the whole summer.

Screens are also a rarity, at least as of when I was there

If you don’t have lights on at night, normally you are pretty safe.
Unless your window is direct besides a tree. Then you need a window net to keep them out

See pretty much all of our windows have a mesh screen by default

Also ours very often slide upwards rather than open outwards, which does make that easier

Our windows can be opened both upwards and inwards. Inwards is way more energy efficient in winter.

Remember when I said

I stand by that

Well mesh screens are pretty dumb since you can’t lean outwards then
Which is a huge disadvantage

but that implies we want to lean out our windows

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which I think I’ve never seen nor felt particularly tempted to do

Being not able to open the window fully and leaning outwards so you can observe everything is strange
Also we sometimes have our tv satellit dish on our windows, or have plants on the outside

selling milk on store shelves is strange :man_shrugging:

not to mention continuing not to refrigerate it once you’ve purchased it :laughing: