Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

72181 years

this is good

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truly a delightfully devilish scheme
well not for the people on the receiving end

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My eyes

Keep it like that.

Mods are drugged today, blame the Herbalist.

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Hush darkener

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Mod as in Eevee is doing this

thinking face

I knew you were on the right side

become one with the gray


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When the cookie thread is dying


In much of the world, breakfast food is very similar to our lunch food
Like in israel there was nothing like what we have for breakfast.

Yes Eevee was drugged for sure trust me I have contact with the Herbalist

In Scotland (Britain), it’s Breakfast > Lunch (This is only really appreciated in schools) > Tea > Supper

Supper is usually skipped; Lunch is usually skipped
and I skip Breakfast
I only really eat my Tea tbh

the cookie thread never dies
it just kicks us out for loitering for 50000 posts

But herbalist doesn’t have drug smh


I apologize

…i want to say I’m held against my will
but I turned back to night mode earlier today
and it looked weird