Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

delicious, sure
economical, sure

but it has the costs of a whole bunch of terrible stuff put in it to make it last forever

Hello, exist.

Like breakfest is simlar everywhere.
Cearels, sandwiches etc.

Problem starts with mid-day and evening meals.
Most countries in the wolrd have big, hot meals at the evening.

Here we actually have the hot meals only at the middle of the day.

Evening meal is sandwiches etc. again, that’s why it doesn’t really fit word “dinner”.

how are you?

Eevee, forgive me for being so uninformed but what is this “Cearels” you speak of?

eevee put an auto-lock on the thread

aka: a timer on my cookie

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the main meal of the day

…so all three

the cookie bakery is dying a slow and painful death

perhaps i should write some kind of poem to mourn it pre-emptively.

exist in nebulous state of yes I exist, but no I kinda am not doing anything

Tis a sad day for thy cookie factory

who scripted this

thats a mood, i accomplished things today, but now i ache as sunburn


It’s an hour now.



Ok has eevee been told to murder this thread or something lol
timer just keeps getting shorter and shorter.

i think ill let this one live

somebody who plays their cards well
here’s the epic™ setup

people feel incentive to post
ergo, we reach threadlock faster

and just when it gets to close
mod comes in, locks the thread, then steals the thing

Oh no

We’re gonna lose the cookie in 72 thousand years D: