Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I would’ve joined too if I wasn’t already in 2 other games.

if i had actually ever wanted to concede CFM2, I would have given up like I did in evo. I didn’t. I tried, hard.

I maintain that as a totality, the steps I took to prepare for the gambit and all that resulted as a direct effect of my willful herring placements and the gambit itself, did a good deal more to help my team’s chances than anything else that occurred that game.

Ah that one
I remember

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i realize that my gambit was a bafflingly unusual play of which, most likely, nothing like it will ever occur again, which IMHO makes it impossible to genuinely analyze if you had TMI at the time, but eh.

Speaking of concedeing
Props to the scumteam in BotF3
Everyone was nearly outed
Didnt stop you ppl from seriously fucking with ppls minds


If you want to check how much WiM you have
Check out in how many games you replaced out (other than for urgent emergencies)


I will try, but for things I don’t have written records for, it can be hard to distinguish from what came from atrocious WiM and what came from IRL emergencies

I will document and try hard to remember though. Ty for the idea

0 so far \o/

i think

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We only won because the game got mechlocked.
We really shouldn’t have won. No one had any WiM to socially analyze. (the IRL version of the game is never winnable via mechlocking)

TBE got whispered by all scum
The type of demon in the game was mechanically confirmed by SoD4 (that is very rare in BMR games)
oB (from gorta ofc), Magnus, and Leafia all got mechanically scumlocked, for leafia and magnus by Magnus openwolfing and then realizing Leafia CC’d you and a bluff
Leafia bent over backwards to try to save TBE’s life in a way that was blatantly TMI
You, my mason, were somehow alive on the final day for some reason

I had low WiM in only one game (botf 4) and that was mostly cuz of the nonsensical mechanics, I was planning to try at least though
(And then gladly concussion saved me from it)

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It was more subpar scum play and atrocious mechanical luck for scum, than particularly good town play, tbqh

a game where:
no control of nominations
no control of votes
no control of whispers
instant deaths

…yeah i think i gave up halfway too


BotF IV was not a good idea
sorry guys

it was a good idea
except ppl meme’d too hard on the travellers

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My problem was more: be demon, but you don’t know your scumteam and you have no way of killing others :wink:


(yeah poppy grower with shacklewight was a terrible idea)
tought me to never rand roles in BotF again, at least

gave up

and by the end I lolcatted so much everyone thought I was demon

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It was an awful game in general
My successor was desperate enough to take the 50/50 and out himself to the Traveller besides him
Who turned out to be town-aligned, and he outted him in game chat
And noone cared lul


It’s derps lol
The overlord of FPS