Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Also katze had terrible WiM since they were good deviant but wanted to be bad deviant so bad, so they never really pushed on anything.

I dont blame them
Tell me anyone who had really WiM in this game

Amelia (she helped to clutch with the galaxy brain FPS)
Maybe Ici or Derps
That’s probably it

it’s the idea of ‘pushing an agenda’ or pushing your goals over those shared by the interests of the whole (whole in this case being town agenda of finding town/killing scum)

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so really just conflicting agenda being pushed is idea focused on

agenda is synonymous for some reason with not caring for whole

I don’t understand that
Is this “you are scum because you are scum” reasoning?

It’s a reasoning like “you’re scum because based on your ISO / posting style this game, it seems like you’re pushing your own evil agenda which is counterproductive to the town’s agenda / goals.”

pushing for ‘agenda’ is umbrella term

many alternative names for pushing agenda:

  • bad faith pushes
  • misrepresentation
  • deathtunneling

scum have reason to blow things out of proportion and ignore “town signs” alongside other things in order to get town lynched
town, in most cases, don’t

Or in order to bus effectively, if they’re doing the driver strat instead (which was our only option in CFM2)

Shhh that was the point. “You are scum because I think you have scum win condition” is a pointless reasoning


are actually good scum signs, so I see.

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i get it
you bussed


why did none of us ever seriously consider that it’s not possible for alice to be that bad as town until it was too late

oh yeah, desperado lul

Because you respect her

She probs would have died if not for the desperado

Alice is SPK’d so early now that she’s usually jettisoned if she lives too long (our plan was to try to get her mislynched, but then shit happened, so :man_shrugging:)

I considered they were scum a lot
You guys…idk why

I’m happy that you all didn’t see me being chloe
I expected to die

I didn’t have a say for over half the game
after you got axed by the bots, i am sad that none of my team tried shooting bots during the nighttime ita session
eevee added that thing in sporadically to give my team one last chance i think

I might buy Wolflord.

Alice was right that overall as a team we were just shit at PR hunting
Also the reason marshal died N1 was just b/c I wanted revenge for BotF 2 (also i had the strongman and could not attack any possible chloes then).