Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You mean the first class on “convert on sight” list :^)


It’s either a 3rd Mastermind

Or a convert that can double the next convert

What was picked over it again? Links/RB?

Fortuneteller’s Divination by Blood

Tells the Seeker exactly which HoB roles exist

Oh right.
That thing.

it’s also the only valid alt for Fortuneteller because they can’t pick both Tarot Card and Shuffle

But they can.
They both cost 1?


The rule is that you can’t go above 2 abilities for each of passives, day, and night

Seeker starts with 1 ability for night

…Why can’t you just replace your ‘base’ ability with a chosen one.

I dunno

I didn’t make the rules

Either way that potentially makes Fortuneteller one of the weaker conversions, because while this information is somewhat useful, with people’s tendency to soft/hardclaim by D2 it feels a bit redundant.
I guess it could help to weed out NK but still.

Fortuneteller is an eh convert anyway

Converting it to Unseen requires it to blow a night using Fated Deck before it can get info

Fixed :^)

I dunno

Could potentially confirm a ton of people

still not nearly as good as Actuary

It somewhat reminds me your 62 class that dabbles with votes/wagons for some reason.
But I forgot the name now.
If I remember right you also had to nerf it because it was pretty damn good.

it doesn’t do that anymore

because it was OP

I did tell you it was pretty obscene :^)

But I’m also sad that it had to be hit with the nerf hammer because the potential was juicy.

It was worth

After all I got to buff Oneiromancer

Brb need to perform a sacrifice for it to roll