Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

How many times do I have to tell you that I have no sense of humor.


there’s like 5 people on this forum who i actively acknowledge have no senses of humor

instead of being more obvious with my jokes around them, ill keep it up until i drill a sense of humor into your head :^)


wtf kat why are you taking a drill to people’s heads, don’t you know that’s dangerous

Marshal not green


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it’s your fault for not laughing at that one joke

:joy_cat:(insert drill emoji here)

at what point should I grab a notepad to record pre-ins


This is the closest I have to a drill

:joy_cat: image

Oh god oh fuck cheese is drilling the joycat

bank rushing but it’s hosts instead

almost like cult alts fucking suuuuuuck

It’s only bad in this situation because for some godforsaken reason you cannot discard your basic ability and replace it with a chosen alt instead.
Alts are fine.

I’m pretty sure it was a pepega design moment

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Because if you look in the Cult Chat, Alice even says

“Shit you can’t choose both”

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Time to choose Tarot Card and sit with 0 uses whole game :^)

Oh well

At least Fortuneteller is easy to fake :^)

Gigamind play would actually be to claim that you got 3 cards right off the bat.
Ideally through catching early softs/incorporating one of your groupscum into it.

It IS random so it’s possible


He did not, in fact, successfully fake it :^)

That’s the point.
“Why would a fake Fortuneteller claim that they got 3 cards so early”