Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

What the fuck go to sleep

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i think i got… 5 and half hours of sleep?

not too far below average

Marshal makes joke
everyone: I sleep

cheese acknowledges that i made the joke
everyone: real shit?


it’s past 1 am


Sleep good
Sleep mucho importante

chloe tells me to go to sleep asmr

wait ABORT

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go the fuck to sleep

pick one

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why not both

Im so glad i have near infinite likes

i can’t judge because i haven’t vced with you yet
add me on the damn discord so i can like

because i get to bully my sister if i acknowledge this as a non-option

but that requires me to VC

and thats scary

it’s better than the infinity gauntlet

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i pwomise i’m not scawy uwu

join the discord in ami’s pfp

that’s where most of the forum VC’s i know of happen

awe nyeawu weawwnye nawt that shcawnye?

Forum jackbox when

we’ve heard the other polish boy speak

damn we really should do it again

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