Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oh jezuz that map looks screwed up…

My perfectionist mind wanted everything to be clean so I could create artificial biomes the way I see fit.
But now after beating the game I have no motivation.

Does this help.

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that’s really cute


I feel like it’s the most cozy one.
Terrible stone/wood box, shitty sword and no magic until you find the spark wand.

It feels nice.

Fair enough

So shall I introduce you to the ancients awakened mod which adds like 6 biomes :^)

Wait you’ve seen it before actually

The volcano by the snow rings a bell

After transitioning from endgame from either vanilla or mods to the start of a playthrough

It feels weird

Also last thing I’m going to show you and then cease this discussion :^)

the first few times maybe

but once you’re used to having no movement restrictions, being restricted in something like movement feels… very limiting

good movement is something that can enhance my experience with a good a lot

celeste is prob the best game i can think of in this regard, the movement in that game is so good that it turned a good platformer into probably my favorite one

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i was gonna say “no u” but fine


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Italy get off your alt so I can compliment you about being my handsome sleep paralysis demon.

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/steal kneecaps katze

/convert Arete

Hmmm Italy and Ans…
New ship perhaps

tbh i wouldn’t mind being in a wheelchair again

take em


It can be used strategically

usually it’s “post cat pictures to distract thread”

but in SFoL55 I fake-slipped priestess as my teammate and everyone bought it

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I feel like thread distraction could be accomplished through other means though.

Posting dog pictures.

i was in a wheelchair for like a week cause i lost my crutches (i sprained my leg)

wasn’t too bad but it was only for a week so i prob shouldn’t assume that a more lengthy wheelchair session would be just pleasant

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