Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



We are the definition of mature

Context is the definition of furry is apparently someone who uses one as an avatar online

I don’t have that much interest in following the game

imagine spec chat reading the game

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so it’s just shitposting

ok I might check it out


im in their discord but im too lazy to dm someone to put me in spec chat

what do

Discord name?

click my forum profile it says it there nerd

id tell you to check the warroom but i think u left that

I’m too lazy what do I do

oh yeah I also need this
fk pls


hi too lazy

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immediate observations: MU is more obsessed with this fucking dog than we are with joycats



like i said

wowee is the joycat of MU

no they like this dog way more than we like joycats

we must fight back

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these people really do love wowee

I feel inferior

In evolutionary biology, convergent evolution is the process whereby organisms not closely related (not monophyletic), independently evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches.

forum mafia forums will all have an animal emoji mascot at some point