Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Hm… I am the Tunneler and the Rager, I think.

Also a bit Socialite.

Meanwhile, I don’t know if Alice can have a role more befitting other than the Retrospector…

From what I’ve seen I wouldn’t call you the rager, you don’t really threaten people/verbally abuse them into submission to the point they are afraid to vote you :eyes:

Hm… fair.

Also Alice is literally the N1 kill

Hm… true. I don’t like verbal abuse unless the other party keeps provoking me.
–then again, I love swearing. It’s just that I don’t like aimed swearing.

–also, screw MU for banning me for 1 WIFOM emoji and viewing my anti-town meta as gamethrowing.

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Yes, but only the name fits. The description doesn’t. She is always the N1 kill, but that’s because she is damn good at being town.

Also… wasn’t she relatively active in every DVC?

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I was the quotewaller but am now the tunneler
Still the mislynch at times (always have been)

Me: “Hey there brother, I don’t really think it’s a good idea for you to be visiting your girlfriend, given there’s currently a pandemic. Seems like an unnecessary risk.”

My brother: “It’s not that deep dude.”

Today: “Alright so my girlfriend’s mom was exposed to someone with covid and then I went over there and then she came over here, now their whole family is getting tested.”

I’ll see y’all in two to three weeks :slight_smile:


Rager is mostly the role for people who are abusing others verbally and/or are very likely to get toxicity banned
So no, Zone, I don’t see you as rager

anyone think im something else?

Good luck pal. I wish you and your girlfriend are healthy, and that her mother gets well soon.

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I cc Mislynch


Well A it’s my brother’s girlfriend (wouldn’t have even tried maintaining a relationship during solar car lmao) and B the hope is nobody actually has it :crossed_fingers:

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Mislynch isn’t a prestige class, silly :^)

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I see you as my worthy successor as mislynch :wink:

whatd i miss

also where am i on this chart

It is Prestige

It just spawns like Cabalists :wink:


eevee closed thread shortly after you left.