Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i am also neutral please no hurt

Oh shit nvm.

Just kidding.


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We’ll have rain in two days but I’m not sure if I will survive.
Sleeping is seriously impossible, I’ve been consistently getting 6-7 hours of sleep and no more.


I am Inquisitor

katze can I stab you

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I’m neutral healer, pls empower me

I got 3 hours of sleep.

Good times.

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Literally going to force my family to buy AC this winter lest they forget again.


@wolfbuddies should i claim cult to arete they’re a neutral

Just claim neut to them.

why would i fakeclaim neutral

Rem is great at reading people, I would never bet against Rem. :upside_down_face:

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Counterpoint: Why wouldn’t you?

AAAAA when does 62 start I wan Noot :frowning:

I claim Crusader btw

One of the neuts is lying

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Don’t worry you’ll get Lord :^)

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I claim Chancellor.

I guess im lucky to have access to medication that’s like four times as powerful as melatonin
It’s really hot here too but i slept like 12 hours last night or something after being on an all nighter

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forcerands Jane as Seymour Skinner


tbf Lord has less responsibility at night since his SF is a day ability

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