Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

RM4 was imo one of your best wolf games

you yeeted yourself into the rit last minute partially becuase italy was being a dummy and scumclaiming

with help by fearmongering expert katze

RMIV was the most dominant wolf win on this site since SCP FM, probably.
Some might disagree with me, but imho it was just slightly better than SFoL 53.

i’d argue LoTRFM was more dominant than SCP FM

I think you are biased towards SCP FM because you love that game but literally no wolves died in the 25p game SFoL53 and no wolves were exed in LoTRFM until we purposefully bussed vul as it mech locked the game.


you’re probably right

I also have an inherent bias against LotR FM as i hate games that ban flavour talk, especially ones with flavour that i am highly interested in

I managed to chain a mislynch of four (?) villagers in RRM3; with little help from my scumteam.

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Never read that game
Apologies for the ignorance

And by little help I mean Solic + htm managed to get a quickhammer to save me on the last day, which we won. I am proud of them.

now if only we could talk about Town having dominant wins recently


RRM3 taught me reads over mechanics

I was a replacement in that game too
I forgot about that

I really hope that setup gets hosted again sometime.
RM4 was my best spectator experience.

It would need a mechanical revamp before that could ever happen
Italy is right; diviner is an utter joke

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if it does get hosted again, maybe buff Diviner

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It could be 61 if not for /Mindstorm Gaja Ritualist :^)


it was probably because geyde tbh

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Geyde is objectively cool as hell.
Hard agree.


I claimed innocent child who could not reveal if I were converted, and then was converted

and then openwolfed

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