Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Microtransactions bad reeeee

i agree, but you can’t live in capitalism without participating in it so

It’s not as manipulative as fortnite, although it does have some nasty tricks. It doesn’t prey on kids who don’t know any better, and generally the purchases are slightly more informed.

Only way to change it is to… simply not buy any games with microtransactions
I’m not gonna sponsor that stuff
You can do that with mobile games idc, I never buy any of them anyways
But microtransactions in pc games are pure rip-offs
Same as games with dlcs where the base game is so incomplete that you can’t play it without dlcs

rm4 had like 2 people solving

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real solving not fakesolving

And one of them was detonated for no reason just before they woke up.

Oh wait you said rm4 not sf5.
Blame heat and 5 hours of sleep.

I think in rm4 multiple people actually tried, but let the thread hang up on mechanics a lot?


short fuse 5

Vulgod my brain has turned to mush.
Its +31 and I want to die.

grants air conditioning


It’s just 30°C
Nothing too bad

30°C is torture.

Are you still being blessed by the sky water™?

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No, but it has cooled down.

Brb buying a ticket to fly to Belgium.



Lmao, you know things are bad when +21 looks cool/reasonable.

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