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did I say sphagetti sauce?


this is not because i’m an alien
glances around

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Okay, I can cosplay Skeletor without armor.

spaghetti sauce is overrated but a little bit to keep it from being sticky is fine if you have no other sauces/butter on it



spaghetti and cheese is like


vodka sauce is good

personally my favorite is prob with white clam sauce

cause my parents make very good white clam sauce


Also the main issue with spaghetti is the fact that once the noodles cool down, they all stick together and become this tasteless mass.
You can eat rice/potatoes cold, and they are just as good.

Hell, cold rice straight out of the fridge with hot fried eggs + chives + soy sauce is godly and easy dinner.

thats a downside of plain spaghetti with nothing on it

a tiny bit of sauce will keep it from sticking and if you dislike it you prob won’t even taste it

or butter works

or anything really

spaghetti is fairly versatile, not as much as rice but i don’t think its far off

but sometimes I don’t want my food to be taste-ful



Also, tasteful.

are you someone else who just eats food to meet the quota of “eating food” and doesn’t care about what it is sometimes

I mean sometimes I care about what it is

other times I’m like ‘okay I need to eat something but I really don’t want to’ and if it doesn’t taste like anything it’s easier to force myself to

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It is a fair point because we all have different tastes but I don’t think I’ve ever had something similar?
Also mashed potatoes with nothing else are pretty bland and still filling.

Guess I never tried that, because most of my memories about spaghetti are from my childhood/early teens.
I just avoided it afterwards because I never got myself to like it.
And the texture/shape is still an issue.

You can’t really fry spaghetti, can you now?


Tries to use democracy to prove spaghetti good.


No winner.

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You can try?

i think i understand politics better now

democracy doesn’t work

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No winner you say? :^)

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There was no winner when I said that.