Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

For some reason I am continuing to play the 4chan pokemon game

I entered literal weeb city

And the gym leader there was snoop dogg

I don’t even know anymore

i don’t know what you expected from something that literally has 4chan in the name

weebs out

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I wasn’t expecting anything

And somehow got less

4chan reference. Yeah I have an idea where this is going.

That idea is probably correct, whatever it is

Why indeed.

why would you ever leave autoplay on

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it’s useful for when i’m watching things in a series

i am lazy


hun. playlists do autoplay without autoplay. if its not in a playlist its not worth autoplaying

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some series are not in playlists

i just realized that in my natural vocabularly i just use bruh and hun almost interchangeably, with no regard for the person on the other end. lol.

im psychic

Then make a list yourself :wink:
Autoplay is worst invention in history

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> whole reason I use autoplay is because lazy
> expected to make my own playlist

whatever, it’s not a bad feature for things in a series, when you are using chromecast it is useful, and I only don’t like it when it goes down a rabbit hole when i’m away.


Do you know how nice it is in Saint Lucia right now

I use autoplay on Spotify to try and find new songs
Daily Mix is like… 99% stuff I’ve already listened to.


eh, my weekly mix on soundcloud usually has a few new bangers, so i try and listen to it every now and then