Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oh, it’s absolutely lovely Simon. Hottest I’ve been ever. These locals have set me up in a shanty town because my hotel just got set on fire.
I think the fire was the cause of the heat.
Anyway, it’s absolutely terrific.

omega rip

shes boxed in again

they never learn



why is she staring into my soul

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Kyo here’s a better reason

If discord was such a great idea for forum mafia, we would have more games on discord running because people would know it’s a good idea.


It’s not

That is an absolutely horrific reason

It’s not

You think discord is way better for hosting games on, because a variety of reasons. You aren’t the only one to have used discord. You aren’t the only one to have thought this. Which means, that there’s a reason they didn’t do this.

I wonder why they don’t do it kyo

Because we have traditionalists like yourself and hosts that have absolutely no idea how to setup functional bots

discord FM is like a no.

Discord is good for scumchats and any other like… chats because it’s people talking and you often don’t need to cite previous posts, pull past things said up, and it’s focused on real-time talking. For FM you need to be able to do good quotes and wallposts and backread and look at interactions

and that sucks with disc

a 30 player mash on disc will really really suck to do.

I won’t play non-turbo disc games


go ahead and host it Kyo and see why it’s bad

just don’t say I didn’t warn you

this is why I reconsidered doing a main thread for swfm
I’m porting class cards over tho

When you host a normal mafia game on discord, please do a poll afterwards to see how the players who played it view discord as a place to play forum mafia.

classcards on disc is fine

i think that’s how osie and wisp do it and it works well

but main thread on discord is a nonononono


Not only that but you would think that there would be one competent forum mafia player who knows how discord bots work and isn’t a traditionalist


I want to see evidence of a game failing with efficient & required discord bots in place

When are you hosting this game by the way, and who’s the playerlist

I’m not hosting it any time soon
Or do you mean for the classcard/masonries/scumchat/neighborhood ported game