Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


personal thoughts
host privileges granted by OP that allow you to do certain things like delete posts
host lock where only hosts and mods can speak
and mod locks where only mods can speak

definitely can’t be done but 1am italy thoughts

As long as hosts are NEVER able to overwrite mod decisions

mods can just nuke hosts if they don’t respect mod decisions
there’s no way for hosts to avoid being accountable

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I believe we call it the ban hammer.

i’m an american
i NUKE things

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fun fact
you can actually brew tea inside british tanks
they’re designed to be able to do that

that is a suitably british move

did you know that tanks

hate boats
they hate horses
they hate the horses on the boat

there is a component specifically designed to boil water for brewing tea

“playing chess against a machine that thinks it’s playing checkers” is probably the greatest description of the hoi4 ai i’ve ever heard

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I will become sail



how r u not asleep yet

disregard the fact that i am not asleep either since i took a nap earlier in the afternoon

i just woke up half an hour ago
went to sleep like 13 hours ago
feel pretty refreshed

i took my meds and melatonin. Good combination to just knock ya out


I kind of need to wait for an email

Hmmm… Town of Salem 3?

Roughly same setup as first time.
