Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Holy shit

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u ok


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well hope u feel better


how did you find the last wolf with words lmao theyre just words


Honestly it wasn’t words

Words lead me astray

It was feelings

im confused

So am I

speaking of MU

should i join the anniversary mash

i think it’d be awful but also kinda gamer

it’s marble league by the way

As long as IRL doesnt conflict with it, and u want to. Sure ill root for ya

Join it.

Four red onions, freshly diced and sauteed in sunflower oil (again, apologies for my phone’s bad camera quality)


i might be able to produce that, except there might be a few drops of blood in there


sellout answer


it has been done

i recognize exactly 1 player on the playerlist and its astand

should be fun

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Icibalus is there.

is he? didn’t see him but the OP doesn’t seem updated

time to /out

im sure this game will remind me why i dislike mashes

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Mashes with so many players and 12/12 phases are entirely different experience though.

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