Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Who is ready for cookie thread III

oh I thought he was asking how they were good




throwback to college katze with a consistent 4-6 hours of sleep :sunglasses:


old cookie thread: takes around 3 years to reach 50k posts
new cookie thread: takes under a week to hit 5k


My sleeping schedule has shifted dramatically over the years

In middle school i would wake up at 4am after 4 hours of sleep. Because middle school chloe was fucking weird

High school i slept like a normal human

First semester of college i slept like 5 hours every night

Now i sleep 10h on average :eyes: except for the past few days

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italy sleeps for 12-14 hours


Who knew the person i would relate to most would be italy

i cant be your sister anymore

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oh shit this sounded rude i didnt mean it to

Don’t you call yourself a better version of me?

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i am yes

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I advice you to start running, kat.

everyone has a little bit of italy inside them
that’s gonna sound really bad out of context

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9am runs

Lets do it
I agree

Help, I have a piece of Italy lodged inside my chest :^)

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i can run faster than you

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hecking jocks amirite

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but i can run faster than you

:eyes: i don’t consent


Honestly kat you probably can

I hate running
Boobs bad