Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

not for this specific situation but ill take a chleb hug

ill be in the living room

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Ily aroot

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Waking up to this is terrible but whoever said that humans get used to everything with time was right. Still, would not recommend.

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But i cant fly bc covid

You’ll just be standing in the living room

ill wait

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Okay gimme a few months

also did you really just say yes to a hug thats adorable

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why would i not want a hug


Arete is always adorable.


that wasnt the point of this conversation but yes i agree wholeheartedly


How can i get you to eat more
You are a stick
I want healthy ans

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Health güd

i wish not eating made me a stick

cause i barely eat but i don’t lose that much weight :eyes:

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we’re making old cookie thread look like a joke


also why does this feel like one big family. ily guys

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I mean I can actually see my ribs without having to inhale much, but no, I can’t eat more :eyes:
I’m fine.

9am workouts

Lets go
We’re doing it

describe how

have obligations

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Why are you trying to kill your sister again.

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