Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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Minneapolis and Saint Paul don’t even have real traffic most of the time

admittedly Chicago does

A high pope of church of Corax, at your service.

i claim guilty child

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anstreim is openwolfing


Clearly it was RT and you just failed.
/accuse Vulgard

in anstreims first game hes gonna roll cult

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just take the “L” whenever there’s traffic 4Head


callback to the time we had an openwolfer in lylo and i said they were town
…i was town


if you’re going to OMGUS your accusers you have to ATE first

but he doesnt eat

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Oh shit, I should’ve selfvoted first.

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in italy’s first game he rolled cult

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Which game :eyes:

i rolled mm in my first fol game


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I took the subway in D.C. once
It seemed extremely futuristic compared to the “L”

“But you’re not really NSF leader, are you?” -Magnus, talking to Italy who was modconfirmed scum leader 2019

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it was off-site

If my first game is the one where the Cult is majority – very possible :^)

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MU or the dead CD forums?