Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

but Ici, I’m fully aware that I’m repeating the same jokes over and over, I just have a high tolerance for the same jokes

haha Arete has bad reads haha

most particularly I’m very good at recognising if something happens again

bold of you to assume that i’m judging you negatively

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bring up a game i’ve been in

knights aren’t real


The next person to say that you have bad reads is going to be newspapered.

JJBA:GW mash, you were a villager, people were pushing you

bring up a non-anime game we played together

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fuck i mentally blocked that one out

another one :eyes:

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Ritual Mafia.

i hardclaimed rolestopper, threatened astand by saying that if they take theirself out i’ll die with them (i was going to actually do it too if they went for it), which got them nightkilled
i glocked two scum with my ITA i think
rolestopped scum leader (go me)
and then lost the game because scum were allowed to continue interacting with their buddies while dead, which got person i bluffed about vanilizing killed while i was hiding behind them

:upside_down_face:that just happened

this isnt boasting your memory

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i can’t fucking call it up at will
it’s like
when i need to remember something
i without question remember it eventually

it was a trick question

cause im p sure those are the only games

wait nvm we both subbed into sfol 57

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No, I don’t think that’s true, actually.

also Mountainous

smh nobody reacted to my excellent memory

ici was in mountainous?

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oh thats prob why i forgot