Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

so guess whoose back hurts now!

Mine does. How did you know?

i knew nothing
it was just a fun game i like to play where we guess who in the world has back pain

I was joking, but okay.

it’s 10 am and italy has yet to sleep

That’s nothing compared to @anon6348071.

Remember kids: Sleep is for the weak.

so was i
sorry i overuse sarcasm

my best is 72

If you never sleep you’ll eventually die.


That’s a consolation. A release from this mortal shell.

your own brain will eventually take you out

yes if you don’t sleep your own brain actually forcefully causes you to pass out

There’s a family with some sort of disease that makes it so they can’t sleep.

I must be pretty weak then

So they just die.

that doesn’t count
they literally can’t sleep

when you sleep is when your brain does important things to keep you alive and healthy

It’s a good thing that you have a consistent sleeping schedule. Don’t look at me and Italy, we are bad examples.