Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

cant relate

they just call me weird and ask me how i can conceivably forget to eat food

Arete stop making me want to look after you and ensure you eat despite going days without eating anything myself.

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Meanwhile I’m over here

Still cannot cook

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I got cookies for getting academic awards today

so my diet today

has been cookies

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cookies are overrated :sunglasses:

you are overrated

i don’t think anyone rates me

Kk i’ll remove you from the OP

Cookies depend on the time for me

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well yes

usually it’s from 1-10 but usually when people say “0” it’s invalid

I mean

we have family dinners every night

I’ve finally managed to stop getting yelled at for being two minutes late to setting the table but I can’t realistically forget to go to dinner when someone bangs on my door to be like ‘ARETE WE’RE ALL WAITING FOR YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING’

Also Ami that honey cake recipe looks really good. Might make it when I’m not too lazy to actually cook.


But of course I cannot resist chocolate chip cookies

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we don’t do family dinners anymore

mostly because of me

we do occasional family dinners

but it’s also accompanied with a puzzle we are working on which is kinda… AHHHH

Also a lot of the stuff I eat for dinner is spicy so :eyes:

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Never had family dinners in my life, everyone just eats when they want to.

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it’s weird to me that there are families that live together and could eat dinner together but don’t

it seems so much less efficient to have everyone cooking for themself??

My family will occasionally do family dinners

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hot sauce + mashed potatoes

is godlike