Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

is there anything wrong with giving everyone infinite likes
serious question here


like spamming could become a problem

i think a limit should exist and i don’t know how much we get but it feels low

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in theory malicious actors could use it to spam people’s notifications

That’s the thing: no.
Geyde brought up a valid point of being spammed by notifications but you can just disable those. I don’t know why this system has limited likes to begin with, to be honest.

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it promotes non-verbal communication in a game that is entirely focused around communicating


if there was no limit people could just like every post someone mak–

oh, that’s what you were gonna do :^)

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Chloe are you serious.

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… am I wrong?

i mean using likes to circumvent post restrictions is totally probably already a thing

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Who cares about saying why you agree with things if you can just likelikelikelikelikelike

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but the thing communicated is usually ‘I agree with this but not strongly enough to actually make a post’

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I don’t think there’s ever going to be a world where having unlimited likes is going to seriously influence post counts and communication.

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Oh no, poor us!

We’d be drowning in likes!

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in Mafia Academy I wasn’t allowed to like posts and it was very aaaa

wait you weren’t?

was that cause of your PR?

i was never told not to :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Give me an example because I can’t quite wrap my head around this bit.

[shrug emoji]

I guess we have different views on this shrug

‘Arete if you have a post restriction like this post’

which is kind of on the hosts for the wording of the PR, but