Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Cassie Mcfluff, but we call her Fluffypants


That’s a weird name for a cat but okay.

Its adorable and you can’t convince me otherwise.

we also have a cat named after a sled dog

This is adorable, too!


i havent had a super fluffy cat in a while

like my cats aren’t not fluffy but not absurdly so

katze, please change your pfp back to normal.

no i am scared

@anon6348071 SLEEP!

Meow and Chlobert, you too.
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its only 2:30 though


sleep is for the weak

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Sleep is essential for all living beings.

I woke up 5 hours ago.

i did it
i reached stage 5

Okay, you’re fine then.

by this point the only thing keeping me going is defiance to the people who made the dark souls of bullet hells this game straight from hell


i got 7 hours of sleep!
i got 6 yesterday and 5 two days ago
at this rate i’m gonna get 14 next week
wait it doesn’t work that way