Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

theres pros and cons and i think the cons outweigh the pros for a lot of situations

but i think using discord to reduce the real-time chatter is still something we should consider even if off-topic doesn’t go anywhere

Kind of sucks since people like Ici are kind of screwed over by this


but I like the real-time chatter

What Geyde said. I know a some of the people on forums aren’t in ToL discord and I enjoy talking with a lot of them.

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wait do i get green now

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I can understand their sentiment, so maybe we can go halfway?
I’m going off the assumption that high activity on this thread is the issue

oh hell yes arete

This is of course assuming we don’t meet the Patreon goal

looks at donor color

looks at mod color

guess I’m not linking my forum account to Patreon


Go back to red, go back to red.

chloe no stop you’re making me want to become a donor on patreon too


pretend I didn’t say anything

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the main word is reduce

i don’t want to fuck over people who don’t want to join the ToL discord

but the amount of spamposting, if that’s contributing to the large fee (which i assume is the case if #off-topic is being targetted specifcally) can easily be lowered quite a bit just by using discord some of the time

Who donated the 50$

Maybe i can just go back to red but keep this cool lookin crown

Icibalus, if it works there are features such as muting categories and block on discord if that’s going to help your issue.

Because holy fuck

Wdym ppl like ici? Isn’t he more of long post type person?

Is being a Donor now more worth than being Mod? Lul