Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Green is an acceptable color but orangeish is better and also this is a bad shade of green

The best color is solid grey.

this is a bad shade of green

but purple

4 best colors

Black and red are the best colors

You are redeemed.


Signups open


Am I green yet?

1 Like


Why is it taking so long?

you need to link pateron and discourse

@Alice @Wazza @katze @Marshal I forgot to thank you guys for letting me have a peaceful time in dead chat whilst you were carrying boulders like egyptian slaves, carrying myself

Thank you


can you bitch on meta for me about the new locked symbol as it’s so ass

I’m like the exact opposite. Beat BL stopped halfway through GD. I want to finish I just got busy with newer games

ama nerds
not doing it as a thread as that shit mad dumb

I did reeeee.

check to make sure payment was processed successfully

What’s a popular opinion you hold, an unpopular opinion you hold, and an uncontroversial opinion you hold?

It was reeeeeeeeee.

what’s something “harmless” about you that you’ve nonetheless never told anyone?