Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

what’s an incorrect assumption most people make about you? whats a correct assumption most people make about you?

Why are you a cat on a shelf?

totally not copypasting from Jane’s thread

because I wanted to use a different cat picture than any of my previous cat pictures

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Hows ur life changed since quarantine

popular opinion: famine bad
unpopular opinion: modern day lgbt culture is hot shit
uncontroversial opinion: tom brady is one of the best to ever play quarterback

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No but I do agree


what is your dream job

ap euro history teacher


incorrect: that im a guy :^)
correct: i’m a bit wild

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ive learned to master the art of working 5 hours a week but being paid for 40 hours a week


you have to beat an active forumer in a fight to the death

who do you choose?

Bit random but :+1:

But remember they die. So like they ain’t coming back


they’d let me do it if i asked nicely enough ;p

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Pro gamer move.

Could u live in an areteless world though


i’d choose kat so i could find out what gender they are before I get utterly pummeled