Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

look at this classcard i totally made myself


Blue Dragon Investigative
Improving Player (Passive): Whenever you are on the wagon of a player you cannot win with at the end of the day and they get executed, you gain a use of Fweh. Does not bypass flip altering effects.
Fweh (Day): Prevent target player from using day abilities today (0 uses)
VCA (Night): Submit a copy of the previous day’s vote count, with any number of players colored with the color of a faction. You will learn how many of your guesses were correct. If a player appears multiple times for any reason, each guess will count. If a player has additional or reduced votes, the modified vote amount will affect the final calculation. Bypasses framing and tailoring effects. The host will provide color codes if necessary (Infinite uses)
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

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I faked Scorned as Mastermind
and my Handmaiden claimed I was compatible

community mash with itas :eyes:


Okay, so one day, I walked into the classroom like I always do.

And my friend told me I had switched places with [Redacted], who was sitting next to my crush because they were talking too much.

Said friend always tried to trick me because of how gullible I was, so I just sat down at my normal spot.

And then the teacher said I was indeed sitting next to [Crush] now. Needless to say I was pretty happy.

Also I suddenly had some trouble concentrating during the lessons for weird, mysterious reasons.

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ah yes it was when i did vca and colored people in despite the fact they haven’t flipped
was fun

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There’s nothing about being boxed in :rage:


Blue Dragon Offensive
Cat (Passive): You are a cat. Additionally, if ITAs of any form are present in the game, you must compulsively use one.
Scratch (Passive): If you are bled by a member of another faction, you will reflexively bleed them as well.
Meow (Night): Target a player. If you are attacked, you will survive the attack and your target will die; if they are attacked, they will survive the attack and you will die. This is not a redirection and is not affected by redirection immunity. Additionally, attacks can still be prevented by heals/delays/death immunity/etc. (9 uses)
Hiss (Night): Occupy a player tonight (1 use)
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

wait this is a thing

i love it

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the class would be too powerful if i included that

you fakeclaimed scorned after i said compatible reee
plus i matched you with reaper

Fair enough.


Neutral Social
Box In (Day): Add two silent votes to target player (infinite uses)
Duel (Night): Redirect your first target to your second (infinite uses)
Your objective is to ensure that Marshal loses the game.


oh my god

Likes Manually

i feel i’ve significantly improved at designing classes since my early days

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Make one for me, please?
What did you think of my story, Aroot?
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it was mildly amusing

i still think that since it was a bastard game knight should’ve been guaranteed to lose vs italy in ToLFM



Blue Dragon Offensive
Jgoeswheretheyplease (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Basketball Go Boing-Boing (Night) - Occupy a player through sick basketball moves which will blow their mind.
/spectate (Night) - Remove yourself from the game until the end of the next night. All votes cast on you during the day will count as 0, and you will not count toward parity. All day and night abilities will fail on you. You cannot talk or use any abilities during that time period. (1 use)
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.


Unseen Offensive
Jgoeswheretheyplease (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune.
Basketball Go Boing-Boing (Night) - Occupy a player through sick basketball moves which will blow their mind.
/spectate (Night) - Remove yourself from the game until the end of the next night. All votes cast on you during the day will count as 0, and you will not count toward parity. All day and night abilities will fail on you. You cannot talk or use any abilities during that time period. (1 use)
Defeat all threats to the Unseen.