Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

why are you looking at me :eyes:

you have to choose between memes or a village win

what’s mine

Nobody saw that, right?
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It might’ve been just as bad in previous years and I simply hadn’t noticed because I mostly did my own thing in primary school, but it was so bloody stupid.

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remember that gi thread
an inquisitor which only targets knights
i’d probably make something based on that

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You’re my crush, hush.

we still need a game with The Italy in it

i always did math in my head up until like junior year

teachers hated me

some hawked me when i took tests because they didn’t believe i could do certain problems in my head without cheating

but eventually i couldn’t because of lack of motivation and the work getting hard


fortunately I was never very vulnerable to physical bullying, because I had a back brace for my scholiosis back then that effectively was only actually used as a fucking piece of armour

the italy
perfect rolelist

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we both know which im picking here

i imagine an italy rolecard to be completely designed for the sole purpose of fucking annihilating knights

unfortunately it was incredibly fucking hot, so the fact that I spent that entire year stuck in an incredibly uncomfortable position heat-wise meant I was very easy to upset

4 starting unseen and 1 neutral in a 5p seems a bit unbalanced

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Village win.

isn’t assassin unique anyways


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For example, there was that time when people bullied me for not doing a task that was literally just looking up basic fucking words in a dictionary, which apparently nobody under the age of 10 understands, by calling me “Dick-tionary”

for reference this insult makes no fucking sense because I’m not even called Richard

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Where did you find a picture of Kat.

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