Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

sad manual like

But memes.

or there was The Lacrosse Rules Dispute, or many other “hillarious” jokes at my expense

technically fucking up the schedule to make it be literally randomised every day was the most logical thing to do in that scenario

That’s weird. From my experience people would get bullied for doing certain tasks and being ‘nerds’ instead, but I guess it just depends on the people. I’d get picked on for the most absurd reasons imaginable.

Kids are stupid, Ici.


the british education system loves holding young children up by the neck and loudly announcing that they didn’t do something to the class

also because the insinuation that I was stupid was my weakness

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there was also that time when the Year 6 teacher went on maternity leave but because the school didn’t want to admit that that’s what was happening to a bunch of 12 year olds they pretended the reason why new teachers were taking her place every day was to prepare us for what secondary school is like, with different teachers fro every subject, rather than because they didn’t have a dedicated teacher for a subject.

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Help I suddenly have the urge to throw something out of my window.

also, there was that one time that we played the Fuck You If Your Table Was Assigned To Be Africa game, in which there was a game in which an entire table literally cannot win because they have no resources, and it’s meant to be super deep

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there was this book series that was really popular when I was a kid that featured as a plot point the “cheese touch,” which one acquired by touching a specific piece of old moldy cheese and which, once acquired, could only be gotten rid of by touching someone else to spread it to them

…anyways, my class in fourth grade decided that the Arete L. Touch was a thing, which was basically that but with me instead of the piece of cheese

and then I started taking advantage of this to make my classmakes do amusing things like run screaming down the hallway because I wiggled my fingers in their direction

(L. here stands for ‘lastname,’ there were two people with my first name in my class last year)

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It was the same thing here, but no one really cared. Perhaps its because the half of my class was slackers/‘problematic’ children, but no one really cared about being publicly shamed for their low grades.

See, this would only get used against certain kids that were widely disliked. Imagine the smallest and most stupid reason you can use to shame anyone, then exaggerate it tenfold – that’s what we had to deal with.

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What a splendid game.

yes we know what Diaryry Of A Wimpy Kid is

I’m not sure why I decided to share this story

probably because it’s 6:30 AM

I wasn’t sure if it was popular outside the US



we did a version of this game in Year 9 except this version was more complicated in a way that made being an African country actually a winnable scenario

and my only conclusion is that the teacher considered the rules that make the game actually make sense too complicated for Year 6s

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is there something less potentially damaging you could do that would satisfy the same impulse, like jumping jacks or something

it’s popular over here too, but mainly because we like making fun of it

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