Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

excuse me i asked you NOT to post this video of me

that is a breach of privacy

Easy solution to find out their gender

@katze if you were to have a Latin name irl what name would it be

this is the story of how i was born

they are going to say katze

That’s not a Latin name


so male?

i’d be marescallum ductus

personally I kind of like Aquila

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you ever set an alarm and then sleep 5 hours through it?


I haven’t needed an alarm to wake up for years.

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You ever set an alarm, and your body decides “hey I have a great idea, why don’t we wake up 5 minutes before the alarm”


i only set them when there’s something i need to do right after i wake up

duude thats great. if you get up when that happens you feel so good

But that five minutes man

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almost always
my alarm is basically fucking useless because i either wake up an hour to ten minutes before it
or i sleep for 5 hours anyways

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you ever have to set 6 alarms in preparation for the wake-up time?

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No, because you would just turn them off anyway

thats 5 minutes you can spend being awake and shiz, and being more awake than if you sleep that 5 minutes.
when your body wakes you up without an alarm, its a good thing

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You need a clock that forces you to solve a math problem to shut off