Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

yeah but man

five minutes of sleep

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I was looking at Dennis Rodman’s (former NBA player who luvs north korea for some reason) twitter and just found this

felt like sharing

Well if you wake up early, it’s better to get up right then and there.

yeah but man

not being tired throughout the day. imagine that

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I remember reading it and people are like “he’s a good guy, but wtf”

The secret to sleeping well is to keep a consistent sleep schedule.

reading about him*

I srlsy don’t get it

he was a beast of a player but his love of NK is fucking mindboggling

but why keep a consistent sleep schedule when you can stay up talking to people in other timezones

i set my alarm to continuous but when i wake up hours later it’s not still going
either my phone doesn’t do its job right or someone keeps turning my alarms off

speaking of north korea

the next in line for dictator looking kinda cute tho :flushed:
and kim is prolly dead

this is a joke she’s terrible and has commited far far too many human rights violations

but the internet is already thirsting over her which is ugh

There are guys named Richard as in King Richard the Lionheart.

“We always needed a female dictator”-the Internet

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my alarm clock is about 5 feet from my bed, and makes enough of a racket where its impossible for me to stay asleep while its ringing
also imagine using your phone as an alarm clock lmao

wait but dont we have ami for this

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nah im here to keep ami in check

China had a female dictator. Hint she is a playable leader in Civ 5.

He might be kim jon un’s favorite person on the planet

besides himself ofc

also ppl have already made nsfw for the next in line for north korea but uh pg13 forum