Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

and i made a pr with 10 abilities
i promise i’m decent at designing

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designing mashes is fun though
i can’t wait for claimspree day 1 so claimvig can go haha bang bang


just put in Lying Darkness 4head

I can guarantee with 95% certainty that majority (if not the entirety) of the court will claim by the end of D2.

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i am tempted

bruh moment

the op i have basically tells you “don’t fucking claim anything” in bold

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Surely this isn’t an ongoing game we’re talking about no?

You know you want to. Do it for the memes, especially for the infinite lie detector one.

nah it’s a setup i’m designing

an infinite-use lie detector may or may not already be present in the setup


Okay, now I’m legally obligated to spectate it whenever it is ready.

hey vul

i have no idea if i will even be able to run it
i’m currently designing it with 50 slots in mind
but i think scaling it down shouldn’t be a big issue


ily no het

Maybe we get all 50 slots if we have the spectators play it :sunglasses:

The absolute madman.

the good thing is that it can be scaled down fairly easily
it always has to be 30+ but the exact number is up in the air

i feel like it’s gonna be a wolf win
and i’m saying it months before I try to run it