Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i don’t trust town to use their abilities correctly

30 people being like

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That sounds fun. Anyway I know we shouldn’t talk about ongoing games, yet Chloe did put in a friendly reminder for anyone what people need to do.

Speaking of which, I told myself I’d read through another game, and yet here I am – wasting my time in the cookie thread like always.
Guess I’m hopeless.


i can’t wait for all ITAs in an ITA session to hit town and only town

does 21p count as a minimash or what

You see

What games are there to read through given what’s been happening with them recently :eyes:

i… think so?

read the last short fuse, quality game

Old games and

off-site games.

ITAs hitting wolves are a myth made up by the mods to keep us playing their games


Yes, very wuality

hey vul
are you excited for huniepop fm :slight_smile:

Last SF is more of a guide on how to get depression rather than a game.

actually i expect a lock clear villager to get shot by town

that’s the exact prediction i’m making right now

somebody’s gonna be lock clear and get shot by town anyway

anyway ToSFM 2399: The Desolation of Storp was originally just another "ToL"FM style game but it’s kind of evolved into a bastard minimash

NOOOOOOOO!!! You can’t just randomly dayvig D1! You kill lockclear villagers that way

Haha dayvig go bang bang