Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Yet they still are the same kind of animal.

Evolution doesn’t always eliminate the species it evolves from, it simply significantly reduces their share of available resources.

Cats still beget cats, dogs still beget dogs, bacteria beget bacteria. That’s the way it is and always will be.

Thing is the more I try to understand evolution, the more I think it’s a scam.

That’s because you’re “understanding it” while trying to hope that it doesn’t blow your stupid beleifs out of the water. Presume there is no such thing as god and it makes perfect sense.

Ok so I’m supposed to think that despite the obvious signs of design in this universe that there is no designer? Oh please.

I’ll leave that to you Ici. As for me I’ve made my own conclusions about the universe being designed thanks.

Great, have fun living in your meaningless prison of trite eternity!

“i’m not going to consider a theory that is an alternative to there being a designer because i think there’s a designer”


Are we going back to philosophical talk

If I’m wrong that there is God, then I have nothing to lose with living a life of loving my neighbour as my self. If you’re the one who is wrong saying there is no God, then you’re the one who misses out in eternity and a relationship with the Creator of what is, what has been and what there is to come for eternity.

Do you really want to bet there is no God Ici? I don’t.

Hi Kyo. Ici and I are having an interesting discussion.

I mean I’m perfectly capable of loving my neighbor as myself regardless of my beliefs about God


I hope you don’t mind reading through it all.

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Now look, that’s because the competition between bacteria isn’t as vicious as it was. You’re not seeing the same ancient bacteria. Those are Bacteria+. They’ve already evolved for millions of years, and they are extremely efficient at harvesting resources in the environment in which bacteria live, and they will die before they reproduce if you take them out of that environment.

Back then, it was a bunch of primitive cells scrabbling around in a pool unthinkingly. Evolution was neccecary for them. It’s not any more.

And it’s that eternity that will destroy you.

personally I love my neighbors enough to think that regardless of what they happened to do or believe, they don’t deserve to be tortured forever? but I’m told that many people disagree on this point


So what’s the main question here that we’re arguing about
