Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

The human mind will be crushed into a prison by the weight of their own eternal existence. It is worse than being held in an a empty void for eternity. You are being held in an empty everything. The weight of everything will be always on your back, but you will not feel it.

You will experience what it is like to be given an eternal reward. The crushing existential thought that the only thing that can destroy you, destroy your beliefs, obliviate everything you think and reverse it is yourself, and the knowledge that when one deals with eternity, that this will happen is inevitable.

Heaven is worse than hell.

Which is a risk I’m willing to take. Personally I find the risk of disbelief in the God of the Bible too much for me. Then again it’s everyone’s choice to make for better or worse.

It’s not a risk, it’s an inevitability. Everything you believe, think, and want to do will be changed by living for an eternity, even in the greatest possible existence. It is a fate worse than death.

The only alternative is that your precious supreme being preserves you in a state of no free will, in an illusion of eternal happiness.

No one gets tortured forever for disbelief. Instead what happens is that people get a second chance after being brought back to life. It has to be done as finding and living the truth is so hard in this age, that only a tiny minority of humanity manages to pull it off.

I am scared of Heaven, because I know I will watch my friends and family turn into pale shadows of what they once were, and worse they will later become completely different people. It is impossible for anything otherwise to happen.

Again that’s a risk I’m willing to accept.

The only reward worth having in an afterlife is to become omniscient then die.

Nothing of what we imagine Heaven to be like will come anywhere close to what is really in store for everyone who is able to get there.

Any religion that claims that you will be punished for not believing in it is uh, to put it nicely, misinformed

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It doesn’t matter though, because there is physically no way to preserve the human mind’s sanity through eternity.

Doesn’t it bother you, knowing that at the end of all you believe, your only choices are insanity or eternal torture?

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You never know god might have some good psychiatrists

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All they can do is stave off the obliteration of the self for a few million years. No mind can be preserved through eternity without losing free will, without losing agency, without losing eveyrthing it holds dear.

There is no way to avoid this logical contradiction. Heaven is either the worst possible thing imaginable or it does not exist,

I mean drugs make you forget a lot of stuff. God might have some sort of drug that stops that.

Except our minds in Heaven won’t be the same as we have now. The ones we have now make it impossible to love your neighbour as yourself without supernatural intervention.

You’re now proposing the obliteration of the free will.

It would obviously be a choice whether or not you took the drug
And it wouldn’t be permenant

Eternity obliviates all choices.

I look at it like euthanasia really