Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

And what would you do when the first suicide occurs, a million billion years in?

That love will be obliterated by eternity.

Anyway who doesn’t pass the test in this life gets resurrected, so that they have another chance of eternal life.

That doesn’t make anybody feel better about the fact that eternal life is a curse.

If they don’t pass the test of love the 2nd time, they are sentenced to the Second Death. There are no appeals for the Second Death.

Kill the family and cover it up

This sounds a lot like a police state and not like heaven, doesn’t it?


what if someone loves killing do they pass

I never said heaven would be nice for everyone

The only way eternal life works is by having everyone know that only love works in the context of eternity. Look at this world and the problems in it. That is what eternal life would be like without love.

oh dear
you’re going to spread a bunch of bullshit things about romantic love being compulsory next
i can feel it

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That sounds like the good place and their soulmates

They wouldn’t be allowed into heaven. Such a person would be sentenced to eternal death from which there is no coming back.

to be fair he’s been spending the past hour talking about loving your neighbor as yourself, and I’m pretty sure that ‘you are required to romantically love all your metaphorical neighbors’ is not a thing many people seriously believe

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Icibalus there is your way out

and what if the person you love is changed by the simple fact they have an eternity to change in? do you change with them? are you absolutely sure that this will remain constant, that the love you have for the people around you will be truly preserved?

the moment a single person breaks, the whole thing will become meaningless in a billion years, which to eternity is the blink of an eye.

If you’ve studied Greek, you’d realise that love isn’t as limited as in English. There is brotherly love, phileo and agape the type of love which the God of the Bible is that makes eternal life bearable.

What a nice system, this religion is. Instead of trying to seek good in everyone and rehabilitate/correct people, you doom them to eternal death.
Not saying that murdering is good and we should give a pass to every serial killer, but still.

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I am aware, but i expect heteronormative bullshit from Christians.

Only the incorrigibly wicked would suffer the second death. If you think about it, such a punishment is a mercy for such people. Such people would always be miserable and cause trouble for everyone else trying to live in peace and harmony.