Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

pretty sure I like most of my metaphorical neighbors better than I like myself

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God may have some sort of see-into-the-future mechanism which knows where you would like to be awake so basically you die while the machine has realised that you wouldn’t like to be awake then and then wake up when the machine decides you’d like to be awake
This machine process is also optional

Sooner or later, you will have no choice but to take the drug or give in to insanity. Your free will is undermined by simple, blind eternity. You will live a false existence with no true agency, no way to consider the prison in which you are inevitably confined.

Right well if you choose you can just die

draws anime katana

Sooner or later, your revival will be neccecary to help somebody else, because, again. Eternity. Sooner or later, you will be the only solution to somebody else’s problems. All that’s happened is you are now blinking out and in for unimaginable lengths of time for eternity.

Infinity is a cage.

What if we decide that you can’t be revived when you hit the ‘die’ button

These are things I would do as god
We have processes and machinery up in this bitch

Not to mention the miracle drug that you take to prevent insanity

All you’ve done is increase the time between revivals, since now it can only happen in emergencies where God is willing to break his own rules, which are naturally exceptionally rare in the pocket reality of heaven.

It doesn’t matter how rare they are, though, because this is Heaven, and Heaven is Eternal Life™.

There is no way around it in my view. No being could make a human survive eternity without destroying what it means to be human.

If someone gets depressed they take the miracle drug or they deal with it.
No revivals.

And I’m saying sooner or later somebody is going to not take the Miracle Drug because they know that it will destroy their free will and temporarily prevents the existential nightmare of eternity, and there will be only one solution: summon the dead to act as a companion.

We at KyoDaz’s metaphorical heaven do not condone jeopardising the rules

I mean, we’re not allowing revivals here
They get no power over revivals

Oh dear, god’s not omnipotent any more. We’re starting to get into a rather nasty situation, aren’t we? because now we’re just letting the people who live become miserable and commit suicide to keep our rules intact
how selfish of the dead to not want to be brought back to life

Well that’s entirely what I would do

There is a purpose to this life. It is a test to see how well we love our neighbour as ourselves.

Only by love is it possible to live in eternity.