Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Manual like.

CRichard are you catholic or protestant?

Hah. Anybody who suffers eternity will become disruptive. Without question.

Ah yes the h word. A fruit of Political correctness gone too far.

oh no
oh fucking no
am i going to have to explain why i’m opressed and be called whiny for it
for fuck’s sake

Does the bible state homosexuality as a crime? I’ve forgotten.

actually that’s a funny one
it technically does but Leviticus is translated extremely badly.

It is condemned in both the Old Testament and New Testament and for good reason. So many diseases are linked to homosexuality, that the death penalty was meted out to prevent it spreading.


The original world in Hebrew refers to “forbidden” in a ritual concept, and more importantly when it says that a man should not lie with a man, the second man is feminine, and can be interpreted to mean “child” which considering that the Greeks were massive pedos it’s entirely possible that that’s what it meant

Leviticus is misinterpreted hugely because it was translated extremely badly, and it more refers to “We aren’t going to marry gay couples”, “gay sex does not count as consumation”, or “don’t fuck kids” rather than “NO GAY EVER”.

We aren’t fully aware of the connotations because the exact word that is translated as “forbidden” has fallen out of usage, and we don’t know what it actually meant in that context, only that it doesn’t straight mean “Just don’t do it.”

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In conclusion
gay rights


Weddings are outdated anyway


At this point it’s so easy to get a divorce they mean absolutely nothing
It’s quite sad, really

They’re just a way to sue someone

Since the New Testament passages more reiterate the rules in the Old Testament passages rather than saying new things, it’s not a stretch to say that the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality at all, but rather that homophobic assholes have looked at bad translations and decided it does…

it’s almost like you shouldn’t trust everything a book that has been translated far too many times and has no single identifiable author says literally

Excuse me I trust my overly-translated clearly correct manga with my life I can assure you
Let’s just ignore some of the ‘typoes’

going for contradictions in there was a stupid idea my younger self had
it turns out the mistranslations of things in the Bible are much more crucial when it comes to pointing out that Christianity is responsible for heteronormativity and homophobia, because you can’t even be sure what it’s actually saying when it’s been translated so many times
